Thursday, October 23, 2008

I blog, therefore I am.

It's a good thing that the classic philosophers got their reputations before Hip-Hop or text messaging got poular. Otherwise we'd be quoting things like "I think, so I B" or "Yo, yo, yo dawg...Check it-- All dat bad shit jus' make my ass stronger, 'cause my back ain't broke. And shit."

I've decided that America's love affair with multi-culturalism comes from the same part of the American psyche that brought us the Special Olympics. Evidently some cultures are "differently enabled" than mainstream America's culture. I guess that we've given up trying to help folks overcome the limitations of their parents' cultures (which they were desperately trying to escape when they immigrated to America, but which they refuse to let go), so we've decided to celebrate the differences and look the other way while new generations perpetuate actions and images that we once called "stereotypes".

Oh well. It's easier than holding people to high standards of behavior, and no one calls you "intolerant."

I guess I'm different. Maybe I'm stupid. Maybe not.

I figure that you should lead by example-- and leadership is one of the few things that will make you try to be better than the next guy... Unless you are one of the narcissists who believes they were destined for leadership, so they deserve all of the double-standards they can get (I'm thinking about the Clintons, Mugabe, Idi Amin Dada, any communist leader in history, any Muslim head-of-state, televangelists caught with their [hand] in the [cookie jar], attorneys, etc. If you're one of those rare narcissists then you won't take my next piece of advice anyway.

Be the good example. Be the leader in your circle. Don't stage a coup, just quietly be the example. You'll only be seen by those who know you, but your efforts will be reflected in the actions of those around you. Maybe not today, but someday. We Christians, know someone is watching, so it's easier for us because we've practiced being watched (at least a little). You atheists and agnostics-- well, just pretend. You'd be surprised how many times you don't know that someone is paying attention.

Maybe THAT's the philosophy that's been missing in multi-cultural America.

So for you text-messagers out there, here is the translation: "B good"

Translated into Hip-Hop-- Oh, what's the point? Pearls before swine.

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