... Aw, what the hell. You're reading. I'm writing. This is a complete Sesame Street moment. Brought to you by the letter "Q" and the number "700 billion."
Today is October 22, 2008. A day which will live in infamy. The news is full of the banking crisis. The DJIA fell nearly 600 points today to around 8500. The bailout money is most likely to be used NOT to bail out banks, but to acquire them-- Which will create even bigger (more important, more likely to be bailed out, impossible to let fail) banks.
I'm thinking that this banking crisis will lead to the several things: a managed world economy, a North American currency, and eventually the mark of the beast. Perhaps the Anti-Christ is a banker. There's a thought. We've been wrong about him for so many guesses (Nero, Lincoln, Hitler, Stalin, Clinton, Richard Simmons, Jerry Seinfeld) that a banker isn't so farfetched. Of course, he'd have to be a Jewish, Israeli, homosexual, banker. Maybe it's too soon to take Seinfeld off the list...
McCain and Obama are still at it. The latest polls are Obama 49%, and McCain 40%. That means 11% of those polled are wishy-washies. Of course, the popular media wants a young black guy rather than an old white guy (except when the young black guy is a republican), so they aren't above "massaging" a story or two...thousand. Recall that W was trailing Gore by something like 9% the day before the election, and Kerry by several points too. So the +/-3% margin of error is actually closer to 10%. I think this is a horse-race, and we're screwed either way.
I am heartened by the thought of Obama pondering his options: "Well, I've spent the better part of a billion dollars of other people's money to get this job... But with this latest banking crisis I'm not sure I want it. Maybe I should blow the election, and in 4 years I can say "told ya so" and run against McCain again."
McCain's thinking "maybe I should retire and do Viagra commercials like Bob Dole, make a few bucks, and spend the last years of my life NOT being the guy the media blames for everything."
Folks, this may be the first time in history that two presidenial candidates race each other to "take a fall" and throw the election.
That's good news for Ron Paul, the Liberatrian write-in candidate, in a strong third-position with around one-quarter of one-percent of the vote (there's a +/-3% margin, so Ron Paul may not actually exist).
But enough about the election. I want to keep this blog positive, so today's self-affirmation is:
At least you're not one of these two people (and if you are... Just pretend you're not).
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